Absolute Value Calculator
Absolute Value Calculator evaluates the absolute value of integers and decimal numbers. The manual identification of absolute value is difficult but our absolute calculator makes it easy and simple by computing absolute value in seconds.
What is Absolute Value?
The absolute value of a number shows the distance/magnitude of a number from zero on the number line. It does not matter whether a number is positive, negative, or decimal and direction (positive or negative).
The absolute value of a number is abbreviated as “abs-value” and is determined by applying a modulus sign on the number. The mathematical form of absolute value for any number say “x” can be denoted as:
|x| that defined as: |x| = x, & |-x| = x.
The concept of absolute value is important in mathematics and many other real-world applications. It is used to quantify many quantities (like distance, time, length, price, etc.,) in their absolute value.